Like, or dislike? By Lauren Clark

It was announced last week that the ever popular Facebook is working on the much talked about ‘dislike’ button. Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook CEO, announced to the press that the button was being installed; even stating that it was nearly user ready. Zuckerburg claimed that the installation of the dislike button was not aimed to cast […]

What happens when the ‘real world’ calls? – By Rachel Martin

I’m not the first and I am sure I won’t be the last to say, finishing university is a big deal. As the sun sets over Sheffield City Centre, thousands of students are rising from a deep sleep, ready and armed to hit the neon jungle, and here I am, ready for bed at 10pm […]

Being Organised 101 – by Laura Hutchinson

TAKE NOTE Sometimes an idea will come to you at the most random of moments; whenever it is or whatever it is.. take note! Even if it’s a quick snap on your phone, capture it and when you next see it you will remember that little bit of creativity and inspiration. The biggest ideas will […]

I’m just not a tea person – by Elizabeth Martin de Bartolome

Her Majesty’s tea chart sits proudly on the bright yellow kitchen unit; each one of the twelve shades of brown looking as though they have  been plucked from a Dulux colour chart, each rectangle titled with a subtly witty and amusing name. ‘Teo de Janeiro’, ‘strip teas’ and ‘Mr tea’ being my particular favourites. The […]

10 things I love about Sheffield – by Emily Williams

Growing up in Leeds, people are always shocked when I tell them that I much prefer Sheffield as a city.. “but the shopping is so good, but the night-life is amazing” they exclaim. Yet my preference still remains firmly with Sheffield, so to explain I thought I’d come up with 10 things that, in my […]

Top Tips for a Productive Week!

The MK office is a busy one – so we’re always looking for ways to work smarter. We’ve found that the following are essential to making the most of our Monday-Friday time… 1) Failing to Prepare = Preparing to Fail. This is a cliché for a reason –and it’s no coincidence it’s the first thing […]

Let them eat cake

Not so much Marie Antoinette (for those of you up on your French history) for our MD this week, as Domestic Goddess (or so she liked to think). Never one to do anything by half measure, Caroline brought in two cakes for our consumption that week (yep, us too – what an unfair advantage…) for […]

To bake or to fake – that was the question!

So, what happens when you cross a PR Director with a hollow promise of delicious mince pies, a rolling pin, some flour and absolutely no direction? Disaster! There were sleepless nights and there was weight loss (sadly, not mine); I considered commissioning my sister – an absolutely wonderful chef – to help me out, and […]

The People Business

It’s a people business this PR game you know! Half the time you’re selling yourself. With people, as I’m often heard muttering while looking around the office, buying people. But that also means you need a thick skin at times. It can be tough when someone disagrees with your approach, or thinks your news ideas […]

Chrissie’s not so ‘fantastic’ flapjack

By Chrissie Lewis, Account Exec. The bake off is an absolutely fantastic idea, what better than to enjoy a yummy cake (or seven) whilst raising money for a local charity. This thought crossed my mind again as Amy’s delicious millionaires short bread gave a boost to my Friday afternoon. This really IS a fantastic idea, […]