
The voice of morning news and debate, Victoria Derbyshire showed us a different side this week when she removed her wig following chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer.

Hats – and indeed wigs – off to you, VD.

In doing so she has single handedly help to catapult awareness about the issues that surround cancer, putting the subject at the top of the news agenda for the week; and through her well documented diaries following her surgery, has helped to demystify the treatment for thousands.

But it won’t have been an easy decision. I’m too vain to leave the house without brushing my hair, let alone leaving it behind. Yet she turned it into a very pragmatic approach, pointing out that cancer doesn’t have to elevate to some ‘uber-powerful’ status; that it’s simply an illness that the NHS treat with expertise and care.

Indeed. I suspect she has helped hundreds, if not thousands, with her personal, upbeat attitude. And perhaps we can all take a bit of that…

Cancer Research has recently launched this year’s Race for Life events. A fundraising initiative encouraging women throughout the country to run, jog or walk 5K. Wherever you are there’ll be one near to you, girls. And for us Sheffield-lasses we only need drag ourselves as far as Meadowhall on 9th July!

Shockingly, Cancer Research reported that there were 360,000 new cases diagnosed last year. Breast cancer, which Victoria was treated for, is the most common cancer in the UK – with one in eight women diagnosed with it. Count your office colleagues, immediate friends or family to put that into context. It’s the second most common cause of death from cancer in women in the UK.

But… did you also know that more than 85% of people survive breast cancer beyond five years.

So, I empower all of you, to take a stand and do your bit by entering the Race For Life, Victoria style, today!

What are you waiting for…?

And while I’m on, best of luck to the runners at this weekend’s Sheffield half marathon… one of the most scenic routes in the UK I’m told – and another huge fundraiser.

Those looking to keep up the momentum…. The Chatsworth 10K in aid of Helen’s Trust is only around the corner in May…