The new era is dawning

Read our latest blog written by our Managing Director, Caroline Woffenden.
Schools and retailers are set to re-open this coming week. My (just) five year old returns to finish her first year of school, albeit under the parameters of social distancing and a re-structured approach and time table; while my (almost) 3 year old will start at the school nursey for the first time, accompanied by the firm hand of his sister, given restrictions on his parents entering the school premises.
Mixed emotions.
But my overwhelming feeling is one of relief, and gratitude, for those who are championing the safe return of routine. Both my children are overcome with excitement at going into school (it’s fair to say I’m no Mary Poppins, nor a particularly patient surrogate-teacher). So, thank you CBeebies and Disney, you have been life savers (mine, that is) but the time, for now (until the nine week stretch of the summer holidays ahead….) is to move on.
With the advent of schools opening, and retailers throwing open their doors again as they try to find their place within this new world, the pace of the working life will inevitably begin to shift too. Indeed, my old friends, the mobile phone voice message reminders, and an inbox to read, action, file, or trash, are beginning to creep back into existence following life under the pandemic.
It’s funny what you realise you’ve missed.
We are starting to emerge from the extraordinary last few months – and that should be a signal to us all.
From a communications perspective now more than ever is the perfect time to capture attention and rebuild a brand.
It’s been quieter than ever before, and I’d argue people are probably listening more than ever before as a result. Take note. It’s a good time to make some noise about who you are and what you do. Now is the time to share your story.
At MK we are here to help align communication strategies.
We have experience in advertising; data management; website builds; branding; copy writing; maximising social media and harnessing public relations.
We make it our business to understand and support your business. We’re creative. We’re strategic. We challenge and we think. But above all we like to make things happen.
So, if you want a chat, an opinion, a sounding board, or support with a new communications approach, try us.
As the legend Nina Simone once put it, it’s a new dawn, it a new day, it’s a new life, and I’m feeling good.
So should you.
Here’s to the new era, and beyond.
We hope to hear from you.