Cyber Security Support for Businesses

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a significant increase in cyber fraud, with small businesses, the self-employed, and freelancers working from home, identified as most as risk.

Cyber-crime is a growing concern for everyone, from a personal as well as professional perspective.

As communication experts, identity and reputation is at the heart of all we do, and we’re therefore only too aware that cyber security is increasingly playing its role in that.

The NC Group works with the North East Business Resilience Centre – the NEBRC, a non-profit organisation helping to protect businesses within the region from cyber-crime. As an organisation they bring together national financial institutions and tech experts to help ensure cyber safety for businesses, regardless of size or scale.

If you haven’t heard about them or feel you may benefit from some help and support, look them up or give them a call. They offer free membership, various resources, and services to help mitigate cyber security risks and protect business.

It’s also worth noting that Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (the LEP) has commissioned the NEBRC to deliver a £100K programme to support businesses across the Leeds City Region with cyber security. Again, if you operate in that area, contact them. It’s a crucial new programme working with SMEs across the region to support businesses in the modern, digital age.

The NEBRC can offer insight and support to the local and regional community to help ensure that cyber safety is a priority for all. And here at the NC Group we can help with current and ongoing communications strategies, to further support, strengthen and protect businesses during the current turbulent and changing times.

If you want to learn more they can be contacted via:

Stay safe.